Katholische Sexualpädagogik im 20. Jahrhundert – ein Überblick

DOI: 10.61387/S.2020.34.35


Florian G. Mildenberger


The history of sex education in Germany consists — even if not specifically mentioned — of sex education in the non-catholic world. Catholic approaches and concepts about sexual ped- agogy, sexual reform or sexual ethics found little place in his- toriography. And, vice versa, catholic theologians and priests did not accept the research results from clinical sexology. They were focussed on marriage as the only place for sexual pleasure. Masturbation, premarital sex and homosexuality were seen as sins until the 1970s.


Catholicism, Masturbation, Premarital sexual rela, tions, Sex education, Sexual ethics


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 27 • Jahr 2020 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 145-150

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