Der Verleger Harry Schumann als Förderer von Geschlechterdiskursen am Ende der Weimarer Republik

DOI: 10.61387/S.2021.2.22


Andreas Pehnke


The starting point for this article is the Carl Reissner publishing house, which, founded in 1878, established itself in Dresden in 1894. It helped naturalism make its breakthrough at the end of the century, and during the Weimar Republic, under its new owner, Harry Schumann (1894–1942), it became one of the top addresses for books in the spirit of Weimar democra- cy and for illustrated books of socially critical Weimar artists. Schumann also published books dealing with socio-politically explosive topics such as the appeal of the imprisoned gynecol- ogist Carl Credé-Hoerder for impunity for doctors performing abortions. Schumann became a staunch promoter of gen- der discourses, editing the book Jugend und Eros by Berlin gynecology professor Wilhelm Liepmann in 1930. Schumann published works by ‚outed‘ homosexual authors and prepared the manuscript of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Die Weltreise eines Sexualforschers for publication in 1933, which then could not appear in Nazi Germany. And with Lili Elbe – Ein Mensch wech- selt sein Geschlecht, Schumann was the first to publish about the sex change carried out in Berlin and Dresden in 193031.


Harry Schumann, Carl Reissner publishing house, Abortion legislation, Sexual reform movement, Gender discours, es, Sex change


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 28 • Jahr 2021 • Heft 2, Seiten 123-128

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