Ein Zusatzmodul für die Berliner Dissexualitätstherapie (BEDIT) – Kinderschutz und Verantwortungsübernahme
Dorit Grundmann, Gerold Scherner, Hannes Ulrich
The BEDIT program (Berlin Dissexuality Therapy) fundamen tally aims at strengthening the motivation for abstaining from (potentially) problematic sexual behaviors towards minors, increasing the experience of selfefficacy and behavior control. In the recently published BEDIT manual, several modules are introduced that address past problematic sexual behaviors of treatment participants. In recent years, a more differentiated therapeutic attitude has developed, additionally focusing on the (potential) harm to a child victim. Within this broadened perspective, the therapeutic effort focuses not only on work ing through a participant's own problematic (i.e., dissexual, abusive) past behavior, but additionally, on how a sustainable assumption of responsibility could take place and how a specific child victim could obtain adequate support. The module Child Protection and Assumption of Responsibility was developed to ensure better structured documentation and replicability for other therapeutic colleagues, as well as enabling a professional discussion of these topics. As an additional mod ule for the BEDIT program and comparable to the structure of the original BEDIT modules, the aim and rationale for the new module will be described after a brief introduction. The contents of this module and a series of possible interventions and exam ples are comprehensively presented.
Treatment manual, Responsibility, Perspective adop tion, Child protection.
Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 28 • Jahr 2021 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 181-186