Prävention durch Fernbehandlung – Verursacherbezogene Prävention sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs in Sachsen-Anhalt durch ein telemedizinisches Diagnose- und Therapieangebot (FEBEST)

DOI: 10.61387/S.2021.34.43


Anna Kreutzmann, Katharina Schweder, Iron Hahn, Maximilian von Heyden, Julia Brito Rozas, Clara Niemann, Klaus M. Beier


In May 2018, the German Medical Assembly (Deutscher Ärztetag) lifted the ban on remote medical treatment in Germany, thereby making it possible to offer remote diagnos tic and therapeutic services for adolescents and adults who feel sexually attracted to pre andor early pubescent chil dren. In June 2020, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualmedizin der Charité in Berlin initiated its Prevention by Remote Treatment program (FEBEST) in the federal state of SaxonyAnhalt. This article describes the program, its purpose and design, its outreach and initial clinical results. During the first year, 63 persons contacted the program, and 23 (average age 32) completed the clinical interview. Of these 23, 20 (87 %) indicated having a sexual interest in children. 7 (36 %) report ed never having used child abusive images and never having sexually abused a child; 16 persons (ca. 70 %) acknowledged having committed at least one of these offenses. The frequent utilization of the FEBEST program indicates a need for remote diagnosis and therapy of people with pedophile responsiveness in SaxonyAnhalt and presumably other German states. The high percentage of patients with comorbidities requires collabo ration with local physicians and therapists.


Remote treatment, Prevention, Child sexual abuse, Child abusive images, Pedophilia, Hebephilia, Comorbidities


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 28 • Jahr 2021 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 199-208

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