Therapiebeginn, Dropout und Follow-up – Untersuchungen im Präventionsprojekt Dunkelfeld

DOI: 10.61387/S.2021.34.48


Julia Nentzl, Gerold Scherner


To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy programs, it is important to identify variables that could be relevant for accepting therapy offers and dropouts and analyze possible therapy effects regarding their stability over time (followup). In the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (Berlin), two studies were conducted. The first study examined whether it was possible to identify factors that distinguish persons rejecting or accepting therapy offers and persons that terminate or drop out from therapy. Significant results with small effect sizes were revealed for variables regarding sexual deviance and dynamic risk factors for distinguishing rejecters versus beginners. A medium effect size was shown for the distance from residence to therapy facility. For distinguishing termi nation of therapy versus dropping out from therapy, small effects were shown for the factors education, emotionori ented coping, and former sexual offenses against children known to legal authorities. The followup study showed that almost none of the partici pants commited Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) offenses after the rapy. A third of the participants who used Child Sexual Abuse Images (CSAI) before therapy could reach total abstinence, a third reduced the degree of severity of the used material and a third reduced the frequency. Offensesupportive cognitions predicted recidivism and were significantly reduced during therapy. Results are presented and discussed in relation to existing literature and previous research.


Dropout, Followup, Therapy effects


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 28 • Jahr 2021 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 249-258

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