Forschung zu sexuellem Interesse an Minderjährigen im Dunkelfeld – Chancen und Grenzen

DOI: 10.61387/S.2021.34.49


Till Amelung, Dorit Grundmann


Research in the Dunkelfeld on legally undetected individuals with a sexual interest in minors or dissexual behavior towards children will increase as increasing numbers of clinical institu tions are available for affected individuals and preventive ser vices receive social and political attention. The data collected in these contexts can help to better understand and describe the Dunkelfeld populations, their problematic sexual behaviors and clinical trajectories. The present article summarizes research findings from the Dunkelfeld can increase and enhance the knowledge about pedophilia and child sexual abuse. In addition to a detailed diagnostic and nosological description of the clinical constructs of pedophilia and hebephilia, the concepts of Dunkelfeld and Hellfeld (i.e., detected cases) will be examined. Both the criminological differentiation and the description of a group of affected persons who may never present themselves in institutions are relevant. In comparison to current findings on convicted or detected offenders, the potential of research in the Dunkelfeld will be defined and future directions as well as research perspectives will be addressed.


Pedophilia, Dunkelfeld, Detection, Research


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 28 • Jahr 2021 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 259-266

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