Syndyastische Fokussierung bei Palliativ-Patienten – Ein Patient mit metastasiertem Prostatakarzinom
Nenad Martinovic
The loss of erectile function after prostatectomy deeply affects the male self-image. In addition, there is the fear of being rejected by one’s partner. The danger of withdrawal is very great. This article deals with a metastatic prostate carcinoma patient in palliative care who sought help for his sexual inability, and the syndyastic tech- niques used to compensate for his physical loss. Syndyastic treat- ment focuses on the basic human psychosocial need for accep- tance, warmth, security and closeness. Syndyastische Paartherapie enables the couple to fulfil these needs once again without the pressure of expectations and performance.
Syndyastic sex therapy, Intimacy, Basic needs, Prostate cancer, Palliative care
Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 29 • Jahr 2022 • Heft 1-2, Seiten 73-74