Vulvodynie und Vaginismus als sexualmedizinische Krankheitsbilder – drei Kasuistiken
DOI: 10.61387/S.2022.12.6
Roswitha Engel-Széchényi
The following three case reports describe the clinical treatment of pain that women experience in their vulva andor vagina and which impedes or prevents sexual intercourse and redu- ces the women’s sexual sensitivity, both of which can cause feelings of insufficiency. The causes of these often interlinked and mutually present disorders are often (psycho-)somatic in origin. An initial gynecological examination should be followed by a comprehensive psychosomatic anamnesis. Three courses of therapy are presented in which vulvodynia and vaginismus are treated holistically in accordance with the concept of bio- psychosocial causes of disease. Schlüsselwörter: Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Sexual avoidance behavior, Couple relationships, Biopsychosocial disease concept
Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 29 • Jahr 2022 • Heft 1-2, Seiten 47-51