Mammakarzinom-Erkrankung und Sexualität

DOI: 10.61387/S.2022.12.7


Anne-Sophie Heimes, Annette Hasenburg


Given the existential threat posed by carcinoma, diagnosis and therapy as well as the chances of a cure, also in regard to sexuality are of central importance for the patient. With increasing survival rates and higher life expectancy, many patients return to everyday life, so that their sexuality and the sexual desires of their partner become increasingly import- ant. The text presents the effects of surgical, systemic and radio-oncological therapies on the sexuality of patients suffer- ing from breast cancer and discusses the associated tasks for the treating physicians.


Breast cancer, Quality of life, Sexuality, Therapy, related long, term consequences


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 29 • Jahr 2022 • Heft 1-2, Seiten 53-56

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