Das weibliche genitale Selbstbild – Ein haptischer und körperorientierter Zugang

DOI: 10.61387/S.2022.12.8


Laura Burkhardt


Operations on the genitals of women are increasing. This can be due to dissatisfaction with their appearance, which can negatively impact sexual satisfaction. Since there are only a few opportunities for adult women to work on improving their genital self-image, there is hardly any empirical knowledge in this regard. The text is based on a study whose research ques- tion was the acceptance of body-oriented and haptic aspects of sexual education with regard to genital self-image in a group setting. A workshop and two group discussions were held with twelve women. The results show that body-oriented and haptic methods are widely accepted and positively connoted.


Female sexuality, Genital self, image, Sexual educa, tion for women, Body, oriented and haptic methods


Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 29 • Jahr 2022 • Heft 1-2, Seiten 57-62

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