Liebe im Spiegel von Kontingenzkultur und Konkurrenzgesellschaft
DOI: 10.61387/sexuologie.2024.34.22
Thies Hansen
Romantic love dominates, at least at first glance. As a hegemonic form of love, it seems so ubiquitous that “love” and “romantic love” as well as “romantic” and “love-related” are used synonymously. However, there is resistance to this dominance, with calls for the “end of the romantic dictate”, as the name of a recently published book by Andrea Newerla (2023) suggests. Protagonists of non-exclusive forms of love in particular complain of a social compulsion towards monogamous romance and write against “society” and its narratives and cultural codes. In the following, a model of forms of love is presented that aim to avoid the pitfalls of previous hegemonic normativity. This is developed on the basis of romantic love, which is a historically and culturally very specific form of love. Subsequently, the forms that love takes today and the social and cultural conditions to which it responds, which are negotiated under the terms of contingency culture and competitive society, are shown by way of example. Forms of love differ in the way they process contingencies.
Romantic love, Autonomy, Individuality, Contingency, Competition, Polyamory
Veröffentlicht in: Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. Band 31 • Jahr 2024 • Heft 3-4, Seiten 113-120